Sophie's Magic Display

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sophie who loved to doodle and draw. She had a special display where she kept all of her artwork, and every day she would add something new to it.

One day, while playing in the park, Sophie saw a beautiful butterfly flying by. She quickly took out her sketchbook and started to draw the butterfly. The more she drew, the more she saw how each line and curve could create a picture that came to life.

Sophie was so proud of her work that she decided to put it on display for everyone to see. She went home, found a special place on her display, and hung up her butterfly drawing.

As soon as she hung it up, something magical happened! The butterfly in her drawing started to flutter its wings, just like a real butterfly! Sophie was amazed and couldn't believe what she was seeing.

From that day on, Sophie's drawings came to life every time she put them on display. She continued to doodle and draw, always creating new and wonderful things for everyone to see and enjoy.

The end.


  1. What did Sophie love to do?
  2. What happened when Sophie put her butterfly drawing on display?
  3. Did Sophie's drawings always come to life?
  4. What do you think is the message of the story?
  5. What would you draw if you had a magic display like Sophie's?

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