The Adventures of the Coding Friends: A Lesson in Bug-Fixing

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who loved to code. They were working on a big project and wanted to make sure everything was perfect.

One day, they decided to add some new features to their project. To do this, they needed to bisect the code and apply changes to specific parts. They also wanted to make sure to archive the old version of their code, so they could always go back to it if needed.

As they were working, one of the friends noticed a bug in the code. They quickly checked out the problem and found that someone had accidentally caused the bug by not cleaning up the code properly.

The friends quickly got to work fixing the bug. They made sure to clone the latest version of the code and clean it up, so the bug would be gone for good.

Once the bug was fixed, they all breathed a sigh of relief. No one wanted to be blamed for causing the problem, but they were glad they could work together to fix it.

From then on, they made sure to always check their code before adding new features, so they could avoid any more bugs in the future. And they lived happily ever after, coding away on their projects.


  1. Why did the friends decide to bisect their code?
  2. How did the friends fix the bug in the code?
  3. Why was it important to archive the old version of the code?
  4. Who was blamed for causing the bug?
  5. What did the friends learn from this experience?

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