Lily's Journey to Clear Speech

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, while playing with her friends, she realized she couldn't speak properly. Every time she tried to say something, all that came out was a slur. Her friends started to laugh and make fun of her.
Lily felt so sad and angry that she started to scream and shout. She was so frustrated that she couldn't communicate with her friends. But just then, a kind old lady approached her and told her that it was okay and that everyone has difficulties in life.
The old lady taught Lily some exercises to help improve her speech and with time and practice, Lily was able to speak clearly again. From then on, she never let anyone make her feel bad about herself and always spoke with confidence. The end.


  1. How does Lily feel about her speech impediment at the beginning of the story?
  2. What does the old lady do to help Lily improve her speech?
  3. How does Lily feel about herself after she learns to speak clearly again?
  4. What is the main lesson that Lily learns in the story?

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