Tweet's Message Delivery Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Tweet who lived in a big city. One day, Tweet was sitting on a tree branch when he heard his phone ring. He quickly gulp and answer the call. It was his friend, Chirp, who needed help delivering a secret message to their friend, Sparrow. Tweet agreed to help and set off on his adventure.

Along the way, he met many animals who were trying to schmooze with him, but Tweet was focused on delivering the message. Suddenly, he heard a murmur behind him and turned to see a big cat with a rasp voice. The cat asked what Tweet was up to and Tweet explained about the message. The cat offered to help, but Tweet was suspicious and declined.

Finally, Tweet made it to Sparrow's nest and delivered the message. Sparrow was so happy and thanked Tweet for his help. Tweet was about to leave when he heard a loud ring. It was his phone again. This time it was Chirp, who had jaw-dropping news. Tweet listened to the news and then took off to share it with the rest of their friends. And that is how Tweet became known as the best messenger in the city.


-What was the message that Tweet was delivering?
-Why did Tweet decline the cat's help?
-What was the jaw-dropping news that Chirp had for Tweet?
-How did Tweet become known as the best messenger in the city?

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