Once upon a time, in a dense jungle, lived a little monkey named Max. Max was a curious monkey who loved to explore the jungle and discover new things. One day, while swinging from branch to branch, Max saw a mango hanging from a tree. Excitedly, Max climbed up to the tree to get the mango. As he reached out to grab it, he heard a rustling in the bushes below. Max looked down and saw a little mouse scurrying away.
Feeling curious, Max followed the mouse into the bushes. The mouse led him to a clearing where Max saw a beautiful lemon tree. The lemons were so juicy and ripe, Max couldn't resist picking one to try. As he was about to take a bite, he heard a loud roar. Max looked up and saw a majestic lion standing in front of him.
The lion said, "I am the king of the jungle and that lemon tree is mine. You are trespassing."
Max, being a clever monkey, thought quickly and said, "Your majesty, I apologize for trespassing. I only wanted to try this delicious lemon because my mother is not feeling well and lemons are known to have healing properties. Can I please take just one lemon to give to her?"
The lion, being a kind and compassionate king, allowed Max to take one lemon for his mother. Max thanked the lion and quickly swung back to his home in the jungle.
When he got home, he gave the lemon to his mother. She was so grateful and took a sip of the lemon juice. She instantly felt better and Max was happy that he could help his mother. Max put the lemon on the leaf-shaped lamp and it shined so bright and beautiful.
From that day on, Max and the lion became friends and Max would often visit the lemon tree to pick lemons for his mother. He also taught other monkey in the jungle about the healing properties of lemons and many of them started visiting the tree too.
The end.
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