The Lavender Kingdom

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom filled with colors. The sky was white and the ocean was blue. Everywhere you looked, there were different shades of grey, purple and yellow. One day, King Yellow declared a contest to see who could come up with the best new color. Everyone was excited to participate!

The next day, a little grey bird flew into the kingdom with an incredible idea. "What if we mix all the colors together?" he said. And so, they did. White, blue, grey, purple and yellow all mixed together to create a beautiful new color: lavender!

Everyone was amazed at how beautiful it was, and King Yellow declared the little grey bird the winner of the contest. From that day on, lavender became the official color of the kingdom, and everyone was happy and proud to live in a place filled with such beauty. The end.


  1. What colors were in the kingdom at the beginning of the story?
  2. What did King Yellow declare?
  3. What idea did the little grey bird have?
  4. What did the colors create when they were mixed together?
  5. What was the new color named?

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