Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to learn. Every day, she would sit at her board and practice writing and reading. One day, her teacher announced that they would start learning about Geography and History as their new subjects.
Lily was so excited! She loved to learn about different places and the events that took place in the past. Everyday, she took notes in her book and when she got home, she would practice what she learned.
One day, while practicing, Lily realized that she could teach others what she learned. So, she gathered her friends and taught them all about Geography and History. Her friends were amazed by all the knowledge she had acquired, and they wanted to learn more and more.
From then on, Lily became known as the best teacher in the neighborhood and everyone came to her for help with their studies. She loved to teach and help others, just like her teacher did for her.
The end.
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