The Concert Journalist: A Story of Music, Writing and Adventure.

Once upon a time there was a journalist named Jack. He loved to take pictures and always had his camera with him. One day, while he was walking in the park, he saw a notice for a competition. The prize was a special watch that could take pictures and play music. Jack was very excited and decided to enter the competition.

He went home and started writing a story about a little girl who loved music. She wanted to be a writer and play the keyboard in a concert. Jack worked hard on his story and finally finished it. He sent it to the competition and waited for the results.

A few days later, he received a letter saying that he had won the competition! Jack was so happy and couldn't wait to get his new watch. He went to the store and picked it up. It was even better than he had imagined. Not only could it take pictures, but it could play music too.

The next day, Jack went to the park to test out his new watch. He took some pictures and then decided to try playing music. To his surprise, the watch had a piano keyboard on it! Jack started playing and soon a crowd of people gathered around to listen. They were amazed at how good he was.

From that day on, Jack was known as the "Concert Journalist" and was asked to play at concerts all over the world. He never forgot his love for writing and always brought his camera and watch with him to capture the memories.

The end.


  1. What was the competition about?
  2. How did Jack feel when he won the competition?
  3. What was special about the watch Jack won?
  4. How did Jack become a concert performer?
  5. Why did Jack always bring his camera and watch with him?

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