Benny's Cooking Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit named Benny. He lived in a cozy burrow with his family. Every day, Benny loved to help his mother cook dinner. Today, they were making spaghetti with cheese and pepper sauce. Benny washed his paws and helped chop the carrots and grapes for the salad.

As they sat down to eat, Benny's mother raised her glass and said "Cheers!" to everyone. They all clinked their glasses and took a sip of water. The spaghetti was so delicious and the cheese was melted to perfection. The carrots and grapes in the salad added a crunchy texture.

After dinner, Benny helped his mother wash up the dishes. They worked together to clean the pots and pans and put everything away. Benny felt so proud of himself for helping his mother cook such a yummy meal.

The end.



  1. What did Benny and his mother cook for dinner?
  2. Did Benny like helping his mother cook? Why or why not?
  3. What was the most yummy thing about the dinner they cooked?
  4. What did Benny’s mother say when they sat down to eat?
  5. What did Benny do after dinner?

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