Sarah's Sweet Burger Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah who loved sweet food. She especially loved burgers and milk. One day, she went to her favorite restaurant and ordered her favorite meal--a sweet burger and a glass of cold milk.
As she was about to take a bite of her burger, she accidentally burned her mouth on the hot meat. Ouch! She quickly drank some cool milk to soothe the burn.
Sarah then decided to try something new and ordered a cup of tea to go with her meal. But she didn't have a spoon to stir her tea, so she asked the waiter for a fork.
The waiter handed her a shiny fork and said, "Here you go, but be careful not to burn yourself again." Sarah thanked him and carefully stirred in some sugar and a dash of mineral water.
She took a sip and was pleasantly surprised by the delicious taste of the tea. From then on, she always added a cup of tea to her burger and milk meals. The end.


  1. What did Sarah like to eat?
  2. How did Sarah burn her mouth?
  3. What did the waiter give Sarah to stir her tea?
  4. What did Sarah add to her tea?
  5. Why was Sarah surprised by the taste of her tea?

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