The Adventures of a Hungry Box

Once upon a time there was a box, it was empty and lonely. One day, the box decided to go on an adventure to find something to fill it with.

The box wandered through the forest, until it came across a small cottage. The box peeked in the window and saw a family having a meal. The family offered the box some soup, which was the main course of the meal. The box was so grateful and happily ate the soup, along with some bread.

After the meal, the family offered the box a drink. The box was so happy and full, it decided to stay with the family and help with the cooking and cleaning. And from that day on, the box was never empty or lonely again.

The end.


-What did the box do when it found the family's cottage?
-What was in the meal the family offered to the box?
-What did the box do after eating the meal?
-Why do you think the box decided to stay with the family?

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