Lily's Lemonade Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to have lemonade with her lunch and dinner. One day, she filled a bottle with her favorite lemonade and put it in her lunchbox, along with a slice of her favorite dish. At lunchtime, she poured the lemonade into a bowl and enjoyed it with her lunch. After school, she had a snack of a few slices of her favorite dish and then got ready for dinner. At dinner, she enjoyed her dinner with another bowl of her favorite lemonade. From that day on, she always made sure to have a bottle of lemonade and a slice of her favorite dish with her for lunch and dinner. The end.


  1. What was Lily's favorite drink?
  2. What did she have with her lunch and dinner?
  3. How did Lily make sure she always had her favorite drink and food with her?

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