Lily's Lemon and Sandwich Cake Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to bake. She wanted to make a cake for her friends. She gathered all the ingredients she needed: flour, sugar, eggs, and milk. She mixed them together and poured the batter into a big cup. She put the cup in the oven and waited for it to bake.

When the cake was ready, she took it out of the oven and used a knife to cut a slice. She tasted it, but it was too sweet. She needed to add something sour to balance it out. She thought about it and remembered that she had a lemon in the fridge. She cut the lemon in half and squeezed some juice into the cake batter.

Next, she boiled water in a pot on the stove and added some salt to it. She took a piece of bread and put it in the pot to make a sandwich. She cut the sandwich into small pieces and added it to the cake. Now the cake tasted just right.

Lily's friends came over and they were so happy to see the delicious cake. They all cheered and ate a slice each. They all agreed that it was the best cake they had ever tasted. From that day on, whenever they wanted to make a cake, they always used a little bit of lemon juice and sandwich pieces to make it just right. The end.


  1. What did Lily use to balance the sweetness of the cake?
  2. What did Lily put in the water to make a sandwich?
  3. Why did Lily's friends like the cake so much?
  4. How do you think Lily felt when her friends liked the cake she made?
  5. If you were making a cake, what ingredients would you add to make it unique?

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