The Backyard Barbecue Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a family who loved to have barbecues in their backyard. They had a big cooker that they used to roast delicious meats and vegetables. One day, they decided to have a special barbecue and invite some friends over. They went to the kitchen to gather all the ingredients they needed.

They squeezed fresh juice from some juicy fruits and made a yummy salad with lots of veggies and dressing. They also bought some biscuits and cream to make a sweet dessert. They started cooking everything on the cooker and soon the aroma of the roasting meats filled the air.

Everyone was so excited to eat, but one thing was missing - the biscuits and cream. The little girl of the family remembered she left them in the kitchen. She ran to get them, but when she opened the kitchen door, she saw a mess! All the biscuits were destroyed and the cream was everywhere.

She felt sad, but then she had an idea. She took the biscuits that were still intact and put some cream on top. She put the whole thing in the oven and waited for a few minutes. When she took them out, they had become warm and gooey, just like a roast! The little girl served them to her guests and everyone loved them. They all agreed that it was the best barbecue ever!


  • What did the family do for the barbecue?
  • What was the little girl's idea to fix the biscuits and cream disaster?
  • What happened when the little girl served her creation to her guests?

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