Lily and the Kind Nurse

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who lived in a cold and snowy place. One day, when she was walking to school, her foot got cold and her nose started to run.
She went to the nurse at school and the nurse gave her a warm comb to comb her hair and a tissue for her nose. The nurse also checked Lily's hand and found a cut that was causing her pain.
The nurse cleaned the cut and put a bandage on it. She told Lily to walk carefully and to keep her hand warm. Lily felt much better and went back to her classroom, feeling grateful for the nurse who took care of her.
The end.


  1. Why did Lily's nose run?
  2. What did the nurse give Lily to help her feel better?
  3. What did the nurse do for Lily's cut on her hand?
  4. How did Lily feel after the nurse took care of her?

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