The Festival Musician and His Guitar

Once upon a time, there was a festival happening in a big city. Everyone was excited to go out and enjoy the music, food, and games. There was a museum where people could learn about the history of the festival and see all the cool artifacts.

At night, the festival continued at a campsite with lots of colorful tents set up. One tent caught everyone's attention because of the beautiful music coming from inside. It was a musician playing his guitar and singing his songs.

People gathered around the tent to listen to the musician play. He was so good that everyone wanted to take a CD of his music home with them. The musician happily gave away CDs to all the kids who asked for one.

The festival was a huge success, and everyone went home happy, with memories of the amazing music and fun times they had at the campsite.

The end.


  1. What was happening at the festival in the story?
  2. Where did the musician play his guitar and sing?
  3. How did people feel about the musician's music?
  4. What did the musician give away to kids at the festival?
  5. What do you think the festival was about?

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