Jane's Adventure in Measuring the World

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Jane who lived in a small village. One day, she decided to go on an adventure to measure the world around her. She brought with her a centimetre ruler, a thermometer to measure temperature, and a watch to keep track of time.

During her journey, she learned that a hour is made up of 60 minutes and a day has 24 hours. She also discovered that a mile is much longer than a kilometre, which is about 1.6 kilometres.

Jane also found out that the temperature can change throughout the day and it can be hot or cold depending on the weather. She used her thermometer to measure the temperature and found out that it can be as low as 0 degrees Celsius and as high as 40 degrees.

After a week of exploring, Jane returned home and shared what she had learned with her friends. They were amazed by all the different measurements she had discovered. From that day on, they used their knowledge of centimetres, hours, miles, temperature, days, kilograms, minutes, and weeks to explore their own world and have fun adventures.

The end.


  1. What did Jane bring with her on her adventure?
  2. How many minutes are in an hour?
  3. How does temperature change throughout the day?
  4. What did Jane learn about miles and kilometres?
  5. Did Jane's friends find her discoveries interesting?
  6. What kind of adventures did Jane and her friends have after she returned home?

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