Buzzy the Busy Bee Learns to Be Careful

Once upon a time, there was a busy little bee named Buzzy. Buzzy was always on the go, and she was happy doing her work. She was a pretty bee and always flitted around collecting nectar.
But one day, Buzzy started to feel tired. She had been working so hard that she was feeling worn out. She decided to take a break and rest for a bit.
As she was resting, she noticed a butterfly flying by. The butterfly looked unhappy, and Buzzy asked what was wrong. The butterfly told her she had been flying too quickly and wasn't careful enough. She had flown into a branch and hurt her wing.
Buzzy understood how important it is to be careful, and she made a promise to herself to slow down and be more mindful of her actions. From then on, Buzzy was happy and hard-working, and she made sure to always be careful.

The end.


  1. Why did Buzzy feel tired in the beginning of the story?
  2. What did the butterfly tell Buzzy about why she was unhappy?
  3. How did Buzzy change her behavior after talking to the butterfly?
  4. Why is it important to be careful and mindful of our actions?
  5. How do you think Buzzy felt after making the promise to herself to be more careful?

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