Lily and the Little Afraid Animal

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who was always curious and interested in the world around her. She noticed that everyone was different and unique in their own way, which made her even more interested in people.
One day, while on a walk, she saw a small animal that looked a little afraid. She approached it slowly and gently, talking to it in a soft voice. The animal wasn't used to being around humans and was afraid at first, but Lily was patient and kind, and soon the animal started to trust her.
Lily learned that even though things can be difficult, if you try your best and do what's right, you can make a difference and help others. And that's exactly what she did! She became friends with the animal and they had many interesting adventures together.
The end.


  1. How does Lily feel about everyone being different?
  2. Why was the animal afraid?
  3. What did Lily do to help the animal feel better?
  4. What did Lily learn from her experience with the animal?
  5. Can you think of a time when you were able to help someone who was afraid?

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