Lily's Journey to College

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily who dreamed of going to college. One day, she received a scholarship to attend the best college in the world. Excited for her new adventure, she packed her bags and headed to the college.
Along the way, she stayed at a luxurious hotel, where she made new friends and learned about different cultures.
When she finally arrived at college, she was amazed by all the opportunities that awaited her. She excelled in her studies and made many friends.
Years later, after graduating from college with honors, Lily returned to her old elementary school to share her experiences with the current students. She told them about her travels and adventures, inspiring them to follow their dreams too.
The end.


  1. What was Lily's dream?
  2. What did Lily learn about at the hotel?
  3. What kind of person did Lily become after she went to college?
  4. Why did Lily go back to her old school?
  5. What message did Lily want to share with the students at her old school?

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