Tim's City Adventure

Once upon a time, there lived a young boy named Tim in a small apartment. He wished to see the world beyond his home. One day, he decided to go on an adventure and explore the city.

As Tim walked down the street, he came across a big department store. He went inside and saw all sorts of things he could buy. But he didn't have any money, so he left the store and continued his journey.

Next, Tim saw a cozy little shop and decided to take a look inside. The shopkeeper was very friendly and showed Tim all sorts of interesting things. Tim had a great time talking to the shopkeeper and learning about all the things in the shop.

After leaving the shop, Tim came across a bank. He wondered what it was for and went inside to find out. The bank teller explained to Tim that people keep their money in the bank so it's safe. Tim was amazed and promised himself that he would save his own money one day.

Continuing his journey, Tim came across a noisy disco. He heard music and laughter coming from inside and decided to check it out. Tim had a lot of fun dancing and meeting new friends at the disco.

Finally, Tim arrived at a quiet library. He went inside and found books of all kinds. He spent the rest of the day reading and learning new things.

Tim realized that there were so many interesting places in the world and that he wanted to explore them all. He went back to his apartment, tired but happy, and dreamed of all the adventures he would have in the future.


  1. Where did Tim live?
  2. What did Tim see in the department store?
  3. What did Tim learn about banks from the bank teller?
  4. What did Tim do at the disco?
  5. What did Tim spend the rest of the day doing at the library?

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