Penny's Gift Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Penny. She lived in a small town where there was a store, a bookshop, and a supermarket. One day, Penny wanted to buy something special for her mum's birthday, but she only had a few pence.
She went to the store first, but everything was too expensive. Then, she went to the bookshop, but all the books were too long for her mum. Finally, she went to the supermarket and she found exactly what she was looking for! It was a beautiful vase, and it only cost one pound.
Penny was so excited that she ran to the cashier to pay. The customer behind her in line offered to give her a penny to help, but Penny declined, saying she could pay for it herself. She was so proud to be able to buy something special for her mum with her own money.
And so, Penny's mum had the best birthday ever, thanks to her thoughtful daughter and her determination to find the perfect gift.


  1. What did Penny want to buy for her mum's birthday?
  2. Where did she go to find the gift?
  3. How much money did Penny have to spend?
  4. What did the customer in line offer to do for Penny?
  5. How did Penny feel when she bought the gift for her mum?

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