Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Max who loved to watch TV. One day, he saw an advertisement for a toy store that was having a big sale. He asked his parents if he could go and they said yes.
When Max arrived at the store, the doors were closed. He was disappointed until he noticed a sign that said the store was just about to open. He eagerly waited until the doors finally opened.
Max ran inside and started looking at all the toys. He found so many things he wanted to buy, but he only had a certain amount of money to spend. He carefully looked at each toy and its cost, making sure he could pay for it.
After he bought everything he wanted, he went to the cashier to pay. The cashier handed him a bill, and Max was surprised at how much it all cost. He realized that he had spent all his money and wouldn't be able to buy anything else.
Max learned an important lesson that day: it's important to think about the cost before you spend your money.
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