The Clock and the Quarter

Once upon a time, there was a clock that lived in a small town. The clock loved counting the seconds and minutes of every day, and it always kept perfect time.

One winter night, right before midnight, the clock heard a strange noise. It was a quarter, who had gotten lost on its way to the weekly market. The quarter asked the clock for help finding its way back to the market, and the clock agreed to help.

Together, they set off into the night, with the clock counting every second and minute. After a while, they finally made it to the weekly market, where the quarter was happily reunited with its friends.

From that day on, the clock and the quarter became the best of friends, counting the daily minutes and seconds together. And the clock was never lonely again, because it had a new companion to help it keep track of time.

The end.


  1. What did the clock do every day?
  2. Who did the clock meet before midnight one winter night?
  3. What did the clock and the quarter do together?
  4. How did the clock feel before it met the quarter?
  5. What happened at the end of the story?

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