Timmy's Time Adventure

Once upon a time, in January, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to know what time it was, so he always looked at the clock. One day, he asked his mom, "What is the time?" His mom replied, "It's 10 o'clock." Timmy was so excited because he had a meeting with his friends at the park.

As the days passed, Timmy learned that there were weekdays and weekends. Weekdays were for school and work, but weekends were for fun and adventure. He also found out that this was the 21st century and that there have been many exciting things that happened in the past.

One December, Timmy remembered that he had a meeting with his friends at the park on a weekend. When he arrived, he saw that his friends had decorated the park with Christmas lights. They all had a great time playing and talking about their favorite things from the past.

The end.


  1. What was Timmy's meeting about?
  2. How did Timmy's friends decorate the park in December?
  3. What did Timmy learn about time and weekdays/weekends in the story?
  4. What is the 21st century mentioned in the story?
  5. What happened in the past that Timmy and his friends talked about?

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