A Day of Discovering Dreams

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mia who wanted to be many things when she grew up. One day, she visited a restaurant where she met a waiter named Jack. He told her about his job and how he took care of customers by bringing them their food and drinks. Mia was amazed!

Next, Mia visited a computer store where she met a computer guide named Sarah. Sarah showed her all sorts of cool computers and explained how they worked. Mia was fascinated!

After that, Mia went to a photography studio where she met a photographer named Tom. He showed her how to take pictures and shared some of his amazing photos with her. Mia was in awe!

Mia also met a waitress named Lily who worked at the restaurant with Jack. Lily explained how she helped customers by taking their orders and bringing them their food and drinks. Mia was impressed!

At the hair salon, Mia met a hairdresser named Hannah who showed her how to style hair. Mia loved playing with the different brushes and combs.

Finally, Mia went to the airport and met a pilot named Alex. He showed her his airplane and explained how he flew it. Mia was amazed at how high they could fly!

At the end of the day, Mia realized that she could be anything she wanted to be when she grew up, just like the waiter, computer guide, photographer, waitress, customer, hairdresser and pilot she met that day. The end.


  1. Who is Mia?
  2. What did Mia learn from the waiter, computer guide, photographer, waitress, customer, hairdresser and pilot she met?
  3. What does Mia want to be when she grows up?
  4. What did each person in the story do for their job?
  5. What was Mia's favorite job she learned about?

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