Jack's Double Dream

Here is a story for kids:
Once upon a time, there was a agent who had to find the perfect job for his clients. One day, he met a football coach who was looking for a new player for his team. The agent knew just the right person for the job, a talented footballer named Jack.
Jack was thrilled to join the team and wore his uniform with pride. He also had a secret talent, he was a painter in his free time. He would paint beautiful landscapes and portraits for fun.
One day, a company was having a guest speaker event and they asked Jack to showcase his paintings. To everyone's surprise, Jack's paintings were amazing! The company offered him a job as a painter.
But Jack still loved playing football, so he asked the agent for help. The agent came up with a plan and Jack now works at the pharmacy during the day and plays football in the evenings. He was happy to have found a way to do both things he loves. The end.


  1. What was Jack's job before he became a football player?
  2. What was Jack's secret talent?
  3. Who helped Jack find a way to do both things he loved?
  4. Why did Jack still love playing football even though he got a job as a painter?
  5. Can you think of something you love to do and would like to spend more time doing it?

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