Discovering Different Occupations

Once upon a time, there was a nurse named Nelly who lived in a farm. She loved her job helping people feel better. One day, she met a chemist named Charlie who worked at a nearby office. He was fascinated by Nelly's occupation and asked her about life on the farm. Nelly took Charlie on a tour and introduced him to her friend, the farmer named Tom. Tom showed Charlie how he takes care of the animals and grows crops.

After their tour, they went to visit a cleaner named Sarah who worked at the office building. Sarah told them about her job keeping the office clean and organized. Charlie was amazed by all the different occupations and decided he wanted to travel and learn about more jobs. Nelly, Tom, and Sarah all encouraged him to follow his dreams and explore the world. And so, Charlie set off on his journey, eager to learn about all the exciting occupations out there. The end.


  1. Who is Nelly in the story and what is her job?
  2. What does Charlie learn from his visit to the farm?
  3. Who encourages Charlie to travel and learn about different occupations?
  4. What does Sarah do for a living?
  5. What is the message of the story?

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