Jack's Big Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a famous actor named Jack who lived in a big city. One day, he got sick and had to go see the doctor. The doctor told him that he needed to rest and not work for a while. Jack was very sad because he loved acting.

However, he received a letter from his manager saying that there was a new film that needed his help. Jack felt better and decided to take the job. He went to the set and met a talented artist who was going to make all the special effects for the film. The driver took Jack to the set and he started working with the artist.

The artist worked hard to make the special effects and Jack worked hard to act. They became good friends and had a lot of fun making the film. The manager was very happy with their work and told Jack that he could take a break. Jack decided to go shopping and met a friendly shopper who helped him find everything he needed.

The shopper told Jack about her boss, who was looking for a new actor for a play. Jack asked if he could audition and the shopper said yes. Jack went to the audition and was hired on the spot. He became the star of the play and everyone loved him. The end.


  1. Who was Jack and what does he do for a living?
  2. How did Jack feel when he received the letter from his manager?
  3. Who did Jack meet on the set of the film?
  4. Who helped Jack go shopping?
  5. What did Jack become the star of at the end of the story?

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