The Rainbow of Colors in the Magical Forest

Once upon a time, there was a magical forest filled with birds of different colors. There was a blue bird, a brown bird, a gray bird, a green bird, an orange bird, a pink bird, a purple bird, a red bird, and a yellow bird.
Each bird had its own special job to do in the forest. The blue bird would bring the sky closer to the trees, the brown bird would collect acorns, the gray bird would spread peace and calm, the green bird would make the plants grow, the orange bird would bring energy, the pink bird would bring love and happiness, the purple bird would bring magic, the red bird would bring fire, and the yellow bird would bring sunshine.
Together they all worked to make the forest a beautiful and happy place to live. They learned to appreciate each other's differences and to work together as one big family. And so, the magical forest flourished and was filled with color and joy for many years to come.


  1. What was the name of the forest in the story?
  2. What was the special job of each bird in the forest?
  3. How did the birds work together to make the forest beautiful?
  4. What lesson did the birds learn about differences and teamwork?

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