Max the Bunny Artist

Once upon a time, in a forest filled with bunnies, there was a special bunny named Max. Max had long ears, big teeth and a fluffy tail. He loved to draw, but had never drawn himself before. One day, he decided to draw his own body, but he didn't know how all his parts fit together. So, he asked his friends for help. They showed him how to draw his big ears, sharp teeth and wiggly tail. Max was so proud of his drawing and showed it to everyone in the forest. They all cheered and said it was the best drawing they had ever seen! From that day on, Max was known as the best artist in the bunny kingdom. The end.


  1. What was Max's favorite thing to do?
  2. Who helped Max draw his body?
  3. How did Max feel when he showed everyone his drawing?
  4. What did Max become known as after he drew his picture?

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