Max's School Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Max who was getting ready for school. He packed his backpack with all the things he needed: a lunch, a pencil, a ruler, a crayon, an eraser, and his favorite sweater.

Max said goodbye to his brother and gave him a big hug. Then, his brother offered to give him a ride to school. Max was so happy and jumped into the car.

At school, Max had a great day. He ate his lunch, drew pictures with his crayons, and used his ruler to measure his drawings. When it was time to go home, Max put everything back in his backpack and gave his teacher a hug.

Max's brother was waiting for him outside and they rode home together. They talked about their day and Max showed his brother his pictures. His brother was impressed and gave him a big hug.

Max was so happy to have such a great day and even happier to have a loving brother. The end.


  1. How does Max feel about going to school?
  2. What does Max pack in his backpack?
  3. What does Max's brother do for him?
  4. What does Max learn at school?
  5. How does Max feel about his day overall?

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