The Lost ID Adventure in the House

Once upon a time, there was a house with many rooms. In the house, there was a bathroom, a bedroom, a door, a kitchen, a living room, and a dining room. One day, an ID was lost in the house. The owner of the house decided to search for the ID. They started in the bathroom and then went to the bedroom. They didn't find the ID in either room, so they continued their search. Next, they checked the door, but the ID wasn't there either. They then went to the kitchen and searched, but the ID was still missing. Finally, they searched the living room and the dining room, but still no luck. Suddenly, they heard a noise coming from the hall. They ran to the hall and there they found the ID sitting on a table. They were so happy to have finally found the ID. The end.


  1. Where did the owner of the house start their search for the lost ID?
  2. How many rooms did the house have?
  3. Where did they finally find the lost ID?
  4. How did the owner of the house feel when they found the ID?
  5. Can you describe the different rooms in the house?

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