Mittens' Adventure with Buttons

Once upon a time, there was a curious cat named Mittens. Mittens loved to explore and play with buttons. One day, she found a big red button on the ground. She pressed it and suddenly the room started moving up and down. Mittens was happy because she loved the feeling of going up and down.

She noticed that the door was closed, so she decided to open it. She pressed another button and the door opened. Mittens went outside and saw a beautiful garden. She started playing with the flowers, but then she noticed that the lights were on. She wanted to turn them off, so she pressed another button and the lights went off.

Mittens was tired, so she went back inside and closed the door. She climbed onto her bed and went to sleep. The next day, Mittens had a great time exploring the world of buttons and switches. She learned that sometimes things are better on and sometimes they are better off. And that's the story of Mittens and her adventures with buttons.


  1. What did Mittens find in the room?
  2. How did Mittens feel about going up and down?
  3. What did Mittens do with the door?
  4. What did Mittens find outside the room?
  5. What did Mittens do with the lights?
  6. What did Mittens learn at the end of the story?

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