The Parade Adventure of the Silly Clown and the Brave Horse

Once upon a time, there was a parade. People came to see it from all over the town. They saw a big flag waving in the wind. A horse was pulling a float with a clown on it who was wearing a funny hat. The clown was playing the drum and making silly faces. People were laughing and cheering. Suddenly, a balloon came loose from a child's hand and flew into the sky. The horse saw the balloon and ran after it, following it down the street. The clown held on tight and played his drum even faster. People clapped their hands and cheered even louder, watching the horse and the clown chase the balloon. Finally, the horse caught the balloon and brought it back to the child. The parade continued with everyone having a great time. The end.


  1. What did the people come to see at the parade?
  2. What was the horse pulling on the float?
  3. Who was making silly faces on the float?
  4. What happened to the balloon during the parade?
  5. How did the horse and the clown end up chasing the balloon?
  6. How did the children react to the horse and the clown's adventure?

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