The Dog and the Frog's Up and Down Adventure

Once upon a time there was a little dog who lived in a forest. One day, the dog saw a frog sitting by a pond. The dog wagged its tail and put its paw out to say hello.

The frog looked at the dog with its big eyes and said, "Hello! Would you like to play a game?"

The dog barked happily and the frog explained the rules. "We'll take turns jumping up and down. You go first."

The dog jumped up and down with its paws, while the frog counted. "One, two, three, four, five."

The frog then took its turn, jumping up and down on its long legs. The dog clapped its hands and the frog counted again. "Six, seven, eight, nine, ten."

The dog and the frog continued to play and have fun. They laughed and jumped until they were both tired.

The frog thanked the dog for playing with him and said, "You're the best friend a frog could ask for."

The dog smiled and wagged its tail. It was happy to have a new friend and they promised to play together again soon.


  1. What did the dog and the frog do in their game together?
  2. How did the frog and the dog become friends?
  3. Why were they laughing and having fun?
  4. What did the frog say to the dog at the end of the story?
  5. What was the name of the game that the dog and the frog played?

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