The Music Maker and the Tap, Clap, Stomp, Snap, Pop and Slap.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lulu who loved to make music. One day, she found an old tap, clap, stomp, snap, pop and slap. She wanted to make a beautiful tune with these instruments.

Lulu started to tap her shoes on the floor, then clapped her hands together. Next, she stomped her feet and snapped her fingers. Finally, she popped her bubblegum and slapped her thighs.

The sounds were amazing! It was like a symphony of music all by herself. Everyone around her was impressed and they started to join in. They all tapped, clapped, stomped, snapped, popped and slapped along with Lulu.

Soon, the whole town was filled with the sounds of music and everyone was happy. Lulu had made a beautiful melody with the tap, clap, stomp, snap, pop and slap.

From that day on, Lulu became known as the Music Maker and her tunes always brought joy to everyone who heard them.


  1. What did Lulu want to make with the tap, clap, stomp, snap, pop and slap instruments?
  2. What happened when everyone joined in with Lulu’s music making?
  3. What was Lulu known as after she made her beautiful melody?
  4. How did Lulu's tunes make everyone feel?

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