Lily's Adventure in the Garden

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play outside. One day, she noticed a beautiful flower growing in the garden and decided to go check it out. She ran over to the flower and started to dig around it to see what was underneath. As she was digging, she heard the sound of a swing moving back and forth. She turned around and saw her neighbor on the swing, having fun.

Lily decided to join in on the fun and ran over to the swing. She pushed herself higher and higher until she felt like she was flying. After a while, she got tired and decided to take a break. That's when she noticed a slide next to the swing. She ran over to the slide and slid down as fast as she could.

Lily had so much fun playing outside that day. She was happy she got to see the beautiful flower, swing, and slide. From that day on, she made sure to spend more time outside and have fun with nature. The end.


  • What did Lily find in the garden?
  • What did she do on the swing?
  • What was her favorite part of playing outside?
  • Why do you think it's important to spend time outside?

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