The Big Farm Race

Once upon a time, there was a farm where all the animals lived happily together. There was a dog named Max, a duck named Daffy, a pig named Porky, a cow named Moo, a chicken named Cluck, a goat named Billy, and a sheep named Woolly.

One day, Max the dog had an idea to have a big race around the farm. All the animals were excited to take part. The race began, and everyone was doing their best to win. Max the dog was in the lead, followed by Daffy the duck, Porky the pig, Moo the cow, Cluck the chicken, Billy the goat, and Woolly the sheep.

As they reached the finish line, everyone cheered for their favorite animal. To everyone's surprise, Woolly the sheep won the race! The other animals were happy for Woolly and congratulated her on her victory.

From that day on, the animals became even closer friends and continued to have fun together on the farm. And they all lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. Who won the big race on the farm?
  2. How did the animals feel about Woolly the sheep winning the race?
  3. What did the animals do after the race?
  4. Why was the race important for the animals on the farm?

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