Timmy's Misadventure in the Mud

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy who loved to play outside. He had a red wagon that he would pull around the yard, and he liked to pretend it was a boat sailing on the grass. One day, he decided to take his wagon for a ride down to the nearby lake. When he got there, he saw a boat floating on the water. Timmy climbed into his wagon and started to paddle. Suddenly, the wagon tipped over and Timmy found himself in a bathtub full of mud!

He struggled to get back to shore, but finally he made it. When he got home, he was covered from head to toe in mud. His mom was not happy when she saw him, but she helped him clean up. Timmy learned a valuable lesson that day. He realized that playing in the mud was not always a good idea, especially when he was near a big body of water.

From then on, Timmy was careful when he played near the lake. He still loved to play with his wagon, but he made sure to stay on the grass where it was safe. And every time he passed by the lake, he remembered the day he fell into the bathtub of mud and smiled, knowing that he learned a lesson he would never forget.


  1. Why was Timmy's mom upset when he came home covered in mud?
  2. What did Timmy learn from his misadventure in the mud?
  3. What did Timmy do differently when he played near water after his experience in the bathtub of mud?

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