Lucy's Adventure on the Bus

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. She lived in a small town and every day she would walk to school. On her way, she would pass by a bench and sit for a moment to admire the view from the window.

One day, as she walked to school, she noticed that the door of the bus was open. She was curious and decided to step inside. She saw that there were many seats, but none of them were occupied. She took a seat and looked out the window.

As she sat there, she noticed that the bus was starting to move. She was so excited! She had never ridden a bus by herself before. The bus drove past her school and continued on its journey.

Lucy was a little bit worried, but she soon realized that the bus was taking her on an adventure. She saw many new things outside the window and even got to walk around and explore a little bit.

Finally, the bus stopped at a big park. Lucy got off and took a step onto the grass. She was amazed by all the sights and sounds. She spent the whole day playing and having fun.

When it was time to go home, Lucy got back on the bus and found her seat. She smiled to herself, thinking about all the exciting things she had seen and done that day. And from that day on, every time she walked past the bench, she would think about her adventure on the bus.


  1. Where did Lucy go on her adventure?
  2. Who did she meet on the bus?
  3. What did Lucy see outside the window?
  4. Where did the bus take her in the end?
  5. How did Lucy feel about her adventure?

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