Benny and Bella's Sweet Friendship

Once upon a time, there was a kind and caring little bear named Benny. One day, Benny received a special gift from his best friend, a cute little bunny named Bella. Benny was so excited, he ran over to Bella and gave her a big hug. Bella smiled and handed him a card that read "Best Friends Forever."

Benny opened the gift, and inside was a yummy lollipop. He couldn't wait to lick it! He took a big lick and then offered some to Bella. She smiled and took a lick too. They both giggled and continued to enjoy the sweet treat together.

After they were done, Benny picked up Bella and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She blushed and gave him a pat on the head. Benny winked at Bella and they both laughed. They knew that their friendship was strong and would last a lifetime.

The end.


  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. What does Benny receive from Bella?
  3. What does the card that Bella gives to Benny say?
  4. How does Benny show his affection for Bella?
  5. How does Bella show her affection for Benny?

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