Lily's Sunny Summer Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a summer that wouldn't stop raining. Flowers in the garden were getting sad and droopy. One day, a little girl named Lily decided she wasn't going to let the rain ruin her summer. She put on her swimsuit, grabbed a ball and headed to the beach. Suddenly, the sun came out and shone brightly! Lily was so happy she ran into the ocean and played with her ball. She had so much fun swimming and basking in the sunshine. And from that day on, the flowers in the garden bloomed bright and tall, just like Lily's smile. The end.


  1. Why was Lily determined to have a good summer despite the rain?
  2. How did Lily bring sunshine to the garden and the beach?
  3. What did Lily do to enjoy the sun and the ocean?
  4. Why did the flowers in the garden start to look better after Lily's adventure?

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