The Magic of the Classroom

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to read books. One day, she went to her classroom and found a big chair in front of her desk. She sat down and opened her book. Suddenly, she realized she left her pencil at home. She looked around and saw a stack of paper on the teacher's desk. She got up from her chair and walked over to the desk to get a pencil. But as she reached out to take one, she noticed something strange. The paper started to move on its own! She rubbed her eyes, but when she opened them again, the paper had formed into a small creature with a pencil for a nose. The creature asked if Lily needed help finding a pencil, and she happily said yes. From that day on, every time Lily was in the classroom, the magical paper creature would appear to help her with anything she needed. The end.


  • What did Lily find in her classroom?
  • What happened when Lily reached for the pencil?
  • Who helped Lily when she needed a pencil?
  • What was the creature made of?
  • What did the creature look like?

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