The Lighthouse Bird

Once upon a time, there was a little bird who lived near the coast. He loved to fly above the ocean and watch the waves crash against the rocks. One day, he decided to explore further down the beach and came across a big cliff. At the top of the cliff was a lighthouse which shone brightly at night.

The bird flew up to the lighthouse and asked the keeper, "What is the purpose of this lighthouse?" The keeper replied, "It guides ships safely through the rough waters so they don't crash into the rocks."

The bird thought about this for a moment and decided he wanted to help. So he started flying back and forth from the lighthouse to the shore, warning any boats that were too close to the rocks.

The boats listened to the bird and thanked him for his help. From then on, the little bird was known as the lighthouse bird and was loved by all who lived near the coast.

The end.


  1. Why did the bird want to help the ships on the ocean?
  2. What did the lighthouse keeper tell the bird about the lighthouse's purpose?
  3. How did the boats respond to the bird's warning?
  4. How did the bird become known as the lighthouse bird?

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