The Little Seed and the Big Sunshine

Once upon a time, there was a tiny seed that wanted to grow into a big and beautiful plant. It was raining outside, so the seed was happy because it needed water to grow. Suddenly, the rain stopped and the sun shone bright and warm. The seed was excited. It knew it was time to start growing!

The seed looked around and saw a perfect spot in the ground. It jumped into a small hole and started to push its way through the dirt. But the dirt was hard and the seed was small, so it had trouble making a home for itself.

Just then, a little girl walked by with a shovel. She saw the seed struggling and offered to help. The girl dug a big hole with her shovel and carefully placed the seed inside. She covered it with dirt and made sure the seed was snug and cozy.

The sun shone brighter and brighter, and the rain came back to water the seed. The seed was so happy! It grew and grew, until it became a big and beautiful plant. The girl was so proud of her new plant. She watered it every day and made sure it was always in the sunshine.

And that's how the little seed became a big and beautiful plant, thanks to the help of the little girl and the rain and sunshine.


  1. Why did the seed need water to grow?
  2. What did the little girl do to help the seed grow?
  3. How did the sun and rain help the seed become a big and beautiful plant?
  4. What was the little girl's reaction when she saw the seed grow?
  5. How can we help plants grow in our own gardens?

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