The Tortoise and the Forest Armors

Once upon a time, there was a group of animals who all had unique features that helped protect them. They had hair, fur, skin, scales and spines. One day, they decided to have a contest to see who had the best armor. The winner would be crowned King or Queen of the Forest.
Each animal came forward and showed off their armor. The bear had thick fur, the snake had smooth scales, the porcupine had sharp spines, and the bird had feathers. They were all very proud of their armor.
But then, a small tortoise stepped forward. He didn't have fur, skin, feathers, spines or scales like the others. Instead, he carried a big, beautiful shell on his back. The others laughed at him, thinking his shell was too small to be considered armor.
However, the tortoise explained that his shell was just as good as any other armor. It protected him from danger and kept him safe from harm. The others realized that he was right and crowned him King of the Forest. They learned that it's not just about what you have on the outside, but how you use it to protect yourself.


  1. What was the contest about in the story?
  2. What are some of the animal's unique features in the story?
  3. Who was crowned King of the Forest and why?
  4. What did the animals learn from the contest?
  5. How does the tortoise protect himself from danger?

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