The Adventure of Swim, Walk, Hop, Fly and Move

Once upon a time, there were 5 friends named Swim, Walk, Hop, Fly and Move. They loved to play together and explore the world. One day, they decided to go on an adventure.

Swim loved to swim in the river, so he took them all for a swim. After that, Walk suggested they walk through the forest to see what they could find. They walked and found many beautiful flowers and animals.

Next, Hop suggested they hop over the hills to reach the next part of their journey. They hopped and had so much fun. When they reached the top of the hill, Fly said she wanted to show them something special. She spread her wings and flew up into the sky, showing them the amazing view from above.

Finally, Move suggested they all move together to the end of their journey. They moved as fast as they could, laughing and having fun. When they reached their destination, they were exhausted but happy. They all agreed that it was the best adventure ever and promised to do it again soon.

The end.


  1. Who are the five friends in the story?
  2. What did they do on their adventure?
  3. Who suggested they swim first?
  4. What did Fly show them in the sky?
  5. Who suggested they move together to the end of their journey?

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