The Amazing Race of the Many-Legged Animals

Once upon a time, in a vast forest, there lived many animals. Some of them had two legs, others had four legs, some had six legs, and few had eight legs, and even fewer had ten legs. All the animals lived happily together, but they often wondered which animal was the most special.

One day, they decided to hold a race to see who was the fastest. The animals with two legs, four legs, and six legs joined in, but the animals with eight legs and ten legs didn't participate, thinking they wouldn't be able to keep up.

The race began and all the animals ran as fast as they could. When they reached the finish line, they were surprised to see that the animals with eight legs and ten legs had won the race! They were so much faster than all the others.

From that day on, all the animals realized that it doesn't matter how many legs you have, what matters is how hard you try and how you use your legs to the best of your ability. And they all lived happily ever after.


  1. What did the animals in the forest initially think about who was the most special among them?
  2. Why didn't the animals with eight legs and ten legs participate in the race?
  3. Who won the race and why were the other animals surprised?
  4. What lesson did the animals learn from the race?
  5. How do you think the story can be applied to real life?

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