Title: "Lily's Art Adventure: A Story of Love, Flowers and Imagination

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved flowers, art, and drawing. She had a special hat that she wore everywhere she went.
One day, in her art class, the teacher asked the students to paint their favorite thing. Lily painted a beautiful flower garden with an airplane flying above it. When she showed it to her classmates, they all loved it and said she was the best artist in the class.
Lily felt proud, but she also felt a little bit of pain because she missed her family who lived far away. She wished she could fly on an airplane to see them like the one she painted.
Suddenly, a chain of thought came to her mind – she could make paintings for her loved ones and send them to them as a surprise. With this idea in mind, she started making more paintings and drawings.
She sent them one by one to her family and they were so happy that they called her and thanked her for the beautiful gifts. This made Lily feel even more loved.
From that day on, every time she felt a little bit of pain, she would just grab her hat and start painting or drawing. And she always felt better.
The end.


  1. What is Lily's favorite thing to do?
  2. What does Lily paint in her art class?
  3. What does Lily do when she misses her family?
  4. Why do you think Lily feels better after she paints or draws?
  5. How do you think the people who receive Lily's paintings and drawings feel?

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